I deeply believe that yoga and music have a platform: a three-in-one unity


Realizing the fundamental interrelatedness between musical harmony as structure, and the inner energy states evoked by doing particular yoga postures, better known as asanas.



The basis of any kind of music be it instrumental or otherwise, just as Kodály’s principles have it, is defined by vocal music that is, singing, and proper rhythm, whereas mastering the technique of harmonious pulsation that is, metre, is based upon proper breathing as in yoga.

While learning to breath appropriately in music leads to vivid phrasing and rhythm, in yoga, pranayama that is, breathing adjustment, energizes the body and the mind thereby raising the practitioner’s consciousness towards the Absolute.


Implementing the perfect one-pointedness that is, ekágratá, as a basis of all meditation.

Bodily and mental harmony may be achieved through asanas that is, yoga postures, which stretch and strengthen the muscles, increase the flexibility of the spine and joints, refresh the cardiovascular system.

Healthy and balanced diet

Besides, we also need to pay attention to a healthy and balanced diet, by which we may purify the mind and make the body more resistant to diseases.

Proper breathing

Proper breathing is based on pranayama, by which oxygen can fill the entire lung, while focus may be achieved through meditation which owing to this relaxed state, releases the tensions in the muscles.

Positive thinking

Above all that, I find positive thinking to be a crucial principle, by which meditation may be of considerable help. Thereupon we may become able to shut out all negative thoughts, calm our mind and attain a realm beyond our mental sphere.

Let’s embark on this wonderful journey together

I must emphasize, that this journey is not restricted to musicians only; it is open for all those willing to start walking the path of yoga which elevates both mental and physical existence to a higher plane.

All we need is a mattress, a pair of soft trousers and a shirt, and above all the decision to set out on this miraculous journey.