Trainings, Courses
Yoga instructor certificates:
2017, Spring-Autumn, “350 hour traditional Hatha yoga teacher training course” internationally accredited, Yoga Alliance International, Sarasvati Training Center, Budapest
2018, Autumn, “100 hour Chandra Vinyasa Krama yoga instructor training” by Zsolt Hegedűs, Vaishnava Yoga Master, Sarasvati Training Center, Budapest
2019, Spring, “100 hour meditation through asanas yoga instructor training” by Zsolt Hegedűs, Vaishnava Yoga Master, Sarasvati Training Center, Budapest
Further courses:
2016, January, “REIKI I course”, László Pintér
2017, Autumn, “Intermediate-advanced Hatha yoga course”, Gergely Medvegy, Vaishnava Yoga Master, Bhaktivedanta College, Budapest
edanta College, Budapest
2018, Autumn, “Spiral Stabilization (SPS) course, Level 1”, Katalin Richter, Iyengar Yoga Instructor
2019, Autumn, “Ashtanga Primary Series course”, István Szalai, KPJAYI Authorized Level 1, Bandha Works, Budapest
2016-2020, Courses and workshops of Nischal Gale, Iyengar Yoga Master, Rishikesh, India
2016-2018, Courses and workshops of Dr. Géza Timcsák, Kassa
2018-2020, Courses of Mariano Ardissone, Ayama Yoga Studio, Miami, Florida
2020-, Membership at the Hungarian Yoga Alliance and Yoga International
2021. Restorative Teacher Training with Cyndi Lee
2021. Musculoskeletal Disorders Yoga Therapy – Preventive and Post-rehabilitation Training for Yoga instructors -Tar Ballai Éva
2022. Iyengar Yoga Workshop with David Meloni
2023. Meditation through Asanas II. Teacher Training /100hr – Hegedűs Zsolt